We believe that every family is unique, and that navigating a variety of family situations can be challenging. Family therapy helps family members to learn how to better communicate and understand one another. Furthermore, it helps family members grow as individuals while learning how to support each other as a team.

When two families come together, it can be an exciting time for everyone. But, sometimes parenting issues, conflicts between children, attachment, grief, and jealousy can distort the new family dynamic. We work with blended families to help members communicate their point of view, build trust, and form the foundations to have a strong family unit built on kindness and respect

Adoption is a life-changing experience. While adoption can enrich your family in countless ways, it can also present some challenges. We're here to support your family during this important transition in your life. Family therapy can help you work through issues like attachment and bonding, communication, cultural differences, parenting, trust, grief, trauma and more.

There are many emotions involved with divorce and separation including sadness, anger, grief, worry, and resentment. It's important to talk about these feelings so that everyone in the family can feel better. Therapy can help your family by giving you the tools to cope with the changes and making sure that every member gets through this with understanding and support.

Parenting is already a challenging experience, but co-parenting adds another layer of complexity for families. In therapy, you work on improving the parent-child relationship together with your partner to lay a foundation for continued growth and development as the child grows.

A difference in beliefs and opinions can sometimes leads to anger, judgement, resentment, and guilt among family members. Family therapy provides a safe and non-judgemental space where a family can work through their differences to create a respectful dynamic where each member can hold independent views.

Every family eventually faces an unspeakable loss in their lives. This can be the death of a spouse, child, or parent; the loss of a home or career; or even the loss of a lifestyle. Family therapy helps grieving families process their loss, support each other and heal together so that they can move on from this experience.

A child’s behaviour can have a profound impact on the lives of their parents, siblings, and other family members. Counselling can help troubled children learn new ways of coping with difficult situations and manage their emotions more effectively. It also supports parents as they try to foster a positive and nurturing family dynamic where every member feels cared for and loved.

When a family member has impulse control problems, it can be hard for everyone in the family to cope. Family therapy can help family members understand how impulse control can affect the family and what recovery looks like so that you can work together on a plan for getting there. It also helps families improve communication, which will make it easier to discuss difficult issues when they arise in the future.

When money is tight, it can be hard to stay positive and focus on other things. Families who experience financial problems may find that coming together as a group can help them navigate their situation more effectively. Family members will come to understand each other's perspectives on money management and learn how to work together toward a solution that works for everyone involved.